World Of Marin Wikia

Since she was a little kid, Quinn was always scared of her mother, since the woman was definitely what you'd call a bad parenting figure. Always angry, always drunk, always shouting. Calm down, this isn't going to end in a constantly angsty and overdramatic character. There's really not much else to be said about it, since Ignis didn't have a job, and all she did was waste her husband's money on useless things like expensive clothes and wine. Solomon, the girl's father, was not really much improvement: nearly (if not already) addicted to gambling, always willing to take risks. He tended to place bets on pretty much everything when he could, and the fact he was always right was something mysterious and fascinating to Quinn. Despite the obsession, he had a very good place in society, and was the only reason his family wasn't falling apart. His wife would always complain about his constant gambling, saying it was a waste of money. (Hypocrisy, wow). The little kid grew to become a pretty young lady. By now, her father had passed, just days after adopting a black cat from the streets (which was considered complete madness, by absolutely everyone). Ignis cried every night, and this went on for a few weeks. She killed herself, leaving Quinn and Drizz alone in the world. Since that day, ten years ago, she was homeless, and tried to make a living by doing favors and using what her father had taught her. The objects she always carries with her include a wooden box with cards and many dice inside, and a staff she pretends to depend on for walking. She hides her money in the box too. The bottom is fake, and you can remove a thin wooden plate to reveal the earnings, if you try hard enough.
